Google Drive Requests and FAQs
Submitting a request for Drive changes
To submit a request for Google Drive, you can find the request under Request a Service> Application Access > Google Drive
The Google Drive request allows you to:
- Request a new Drive to be created
- Add members from an existing Drive (sharing the Drive or folder)
- Remove members from an existing Drive
- Change Drive permissions for members
- Delete an existing Drive
See the attached video guide for a walkthrough on using the Google Drive request
Why do I no longer have permission to share a Drive or folder?
Every file that is uploaded or shared to a Drive is scanned for personally identifiable information (PII). If PII is detected in a Drive, the IT team will take over the administration of that Drive as a security measure to control access to that information.
How do I manage my Drive if there is PII detected?
You can submit a ticket to add members, remove members, share a folder, and change member permissions. See the attached video for a step-by-step guide on submitting that ticket.
Can I get administrator access if PII was detected?
As long as there is PII on the Drive, IT will need to control it for security purposes. If you would like to resume administration of that Drive, you would need to remove the files containing PII. One suggestion would be to move the files to a new Drive that IT would manage and you would resume administration of the original Drive as long as there are no files containing PII.