Workaround to restore All Programs
Issue: After a recent Anthology upgrade, we lost the ability to choose 'All Programs' for students who have multiple application records. We do have a ticket open with Anthology to correct the issue, we're just waiting on a resolution!
In the meantime, there is a workaround to get 'All Programs' back on their profile:
1. Open the students profile in Anthology
2. Under Admissions on the right, click 'Student Applications'
3. Each application here needs to have a Program Version assigned (or, if it's a duplicate, you can delete the extra applications)
For each application record:
a. Choose a Program Version code
b. Click Save & Close
4. You will need to repeat the above steps on each of the students profiles. For example, this student has 2 profiles and would need to have the Program Version added for each application in BOTH profiles:
5. Once each application record in each profile is updated, the 'All Program' option will be available for that student permanently.