How to view tickets submitted by your department
Please note that you need permission to view tickets submitted by your department. Submit a ticket or email to to request access.
To access your departments tickets:
1. Go to
a. Log in with your SDI Gmail if you're not automatically signed in
2. Click the menu bottom in the top left corner
3. Choose Tickets from the menu
4. Click the arrow next to Tickets Created by and choose your department
Note: if the Tickets Created by option or your department isn't listed, you don't have access and would need to request it
How to export tickets:
1. Follow the steps above to view your departments tickets
2. Click Export Tickets in the top right corner
3. In the Export Tickets window:
a. Export as - choose the format you want the file in
b. Filter tickets by - choose the timeframe you want to export (Note: you can only go back 6 months)
c. Select fields to export - choose the fields you want shown in the file
4. Click Export and you will receive a confirmation message in the top right
5. Once the export is ready, you will receive an email with a download link
6. Click the here link to download the file (or copy the link and paste into your browser)
7. Choose where you would like to save the file if prompted