Adding attachments to events on Google Calendar
Google recently removed the + Add Attachments button on calendar events and switched to using Google Drive attachments instead. See the steps below for adding attachments to new or existing events.
To add an attachment to a new calendar event:
1. Create the event
2. Click the Google Drive attachment option
3. A new window will open to select the file from
a. If the file is located in Google Drive, find the file in either Shared drives or My Drive and select it.
b. If the file is stored on your computer, choose the Upload tab and click Browse (or drag the file into the window). Navigate to the file location, select it, and choose Open.
4. Click Add a Google Drive attachment if more attachments are needed.
Adding attachments to existing events:
1. Open the event and click the Edit event button
2. Scroll down to the description box and click the Add a Google Drive attachment button
3. A new window will open to select the file from
a. If the file is located in Google Drive, find the file in either Shared drives or My Drive and select it.
b. If the file is stored on your computer, choose the Upload tab and click Browse (or drag the file into the window). Navigate to the file location, select it, and choose Open.